Requirements for our Book Reviews.
- We will give everything a look.
- If we like it, and plan to review it we will let you know.
- If we like it but won’t review it we will let you know.
- We only do positive reviews. If we don’t like a book, we don’t review it. We don’t do negative reviews.
- Once the review is done, we will send it to you for an accuracy check. (Good to catch anything we got wrong before it is published. However, this isn’t a chance for you to rewrite the entire review.
- We will post variations of the review to our website, Amazon (when possible), and our joint marketing partners.
- We will send you a final copy of the review which you may use for marketing purposes.
- If you use the review it needs to include this note : “With the permission of “.
- The attribution to our review should be: Review written By Myles Knapp, author of the Revenge School Series and Chief Editor at