David Morrell King of the Modern Thriller
If anyone could be called the KING OF MODERN THRILLERS, it would be David Morrell. Morrell’s…
Jon Land, Lee Child, Andrew Grant Wonderful Heroes — Tough Guys and a Tough Gal
Looks like I won’t be going to work for at least the next 2 months. Just…
“Walking Dead” by Greg Rucka and “Terminal Freeze” by Lincoln Child
First a word about coming attractions. Then on to the books. Next month, July 8 -11,…
“Walking Dead” by Greg Rucka
And now a couple of really good thrillers you can get at the bookstore, today. “Walking…
“Terminal Freeze” by Lincoln Child
” Lincoln Child. (Doubleday $27.95, 320 pages. Hard cover.) www.lincolnchild.com Are you a science fiction thriller…
“Dead Men’s Dust” by Matt Hilton
“Dead Men’s Dust” by Matt Hilton. (William Morrow $24.99, 336 pages. Hard cover.) www.MattHiltonBooks.com Joe Hunter…
“Pirate Latitudes” by Michael Chrichton
“Pirate Latitudes” by Michael Chrichton. (Harper Collins $27.99, 312 pages. Hard cover.) www.michaelchrichton.com. Switching speeds we…
“Even” by Andrew Grant
“Even” by Andrew Grant. (Minotaur Books $24.95, 352 pages. Hard cover.) http://www.andrewgrantbooks.com/ The first in what…
“Dead Men’s Dust” by Matt Hilton and “Pirate Latitudes” by Michael Chrichton
Industry scuttlebutt – more reliable than one of those unaffiliated blogger dudes but not as reliable…
“Vanilla Ride” by Joe R. Lansdale
“Vanilla Ride” by Joe R. Lansdale. (Knopf $24.95, 243-pages. Hard cover.) www.joerlansdale.com Lansdale has long been…