“Nothing To Lose” by Lee Child
“Nothing To Lose” by Lee Child (Delacorte Press, $27.00, 407 pages, www.leechild.com)
Grit-lit’s favorite tough guy is back! And as usual, he has nothing to lose.
Reacher is stuck in that place so familiar to many of us; he’s stuck between hope and despair. Unlike many of us aging boomers, Reacher’s problem is not all in his head. Its physical, he’s stuck in the middle of nowhere between two small towns: Hope and Despair.
“Lose” is typical Reacher. Reacher can’t get a ride, so he walks. He wants a simple cup of coffee. He gets accosted by violent locals, arrested for vagrancy and ordered by the local cops to move on. Something clearly stinks and Reacher decides to find out what.
Reacher’s the ultimate hard man. No job, no address, no baggage. And “Nothing To Lose” is the ultimate hard guy book.