“Walking Dead” by Greg Rucka and “Terminal Freeze” by Lincoln Child
First a word about coming attractions. Then on to the books.
Next month, July 8 -11, Thrillerfest 2009 will be held in New York City. Wow! All the best thriller writers in the world in one place. Thrillerfest is a combination writing university, industry convention and fan fest. Some of the biggest names in the business will be presenting.
Grit-Lit Lifetime Master Award Winners Jon Land – 29 books including “Strong Enough To Die” reviewed last month, Lee Child—author of the Jack Reacher series, David Morrell – “Rambo”, “The League Of Night and Fog”, “Brotherhood of the Rose” and dozens of others famous authors will be sharing their secrets on how to write, get published and get paid big bucks for writing the next big thing.
Attendees will include hundreds of new and experienced authors hoping to make the connections and learn the skills they need to get published and see their books make the Costco/Amazon/New York Times best seller lists. Each hoping to cash a fat check, sell movie rights and get invited to the Playboy Mansion movie launch party.
Thrillerfest is also a huge a fan fest. Devoted readers can meet their favorite writers, and learn what it takes to create a top notch thriller. Get signed copies. Even buy their favorite author coffee or an adult beverage.
Grit-Lit will be in attendance, representing you and getting the scoop on the latest and greatest new thrillers. Dedicated readers, there is still time to book tickets. Check it out at http://www.thrillerwriters.org/thrillerfest/
And now a couple of really good thrillers you can get at the bookstore, today.
“Walking Dead” by Greg Rucka. (Bantam Books $25, 305 pages. Hard cover.) www.gregrucka.com
There are five novels in Rucka’s Atticus Kodiak series. Having read them all I can tell you with 100% certainty that “Walking Dead” is the absolute best one. All are good. “Walking Dead” is beyond excellent. Atticus, a former bodyguard-turned-international-fugitive is on a one-man crusade. Most normal people think that being willing to die for our cause is “the ultimate commitment.” Atticus knows the truth – there are things that are so important that being willing to die isn’t enough. You have to be willing to do things that are much worse than merely dying.
The writing is tight and action filled. Here’s what happens when a couple of the bad guys attempt to take advantage of Atticus.
Then he turned away, saying, “Kill him.”
At least I’m pretty sure that’s what he said, but I could be wrong. Everything after the word “kill” was lost when I started laying down fire.
I put the first two at the shotgun, and the double-tap hit him before he could bring his gun to bear.
” Lincoln Child. (Doubleday $27.95, 320 pages. Hard cover.) www.lincolnchild.com
Are you a science fiction thriller kind of reader? Then you are going to love “Terminal Freeze”. Scientists are working in the Arctic conducting exhaustive, dangerous research, attempting to learn about the effects of global warming when they discover an enormous ancient animal entirely encased in a block of ice. A block of ice so big that it is the size of a small room. And within the ice, the creature appears to be perfectly preserved. This huge, fierce looking prehistoric predator could be one of the world’s greatest scientific discoveries.
But things get complicated when the media conglomerate who sponsored the research expedition takes over. Careful scientific methods take a back seat when the sponsor demands to document the thawing on live television.
To complicate matters, local Native American Eskimos warn that thawing the creature will create dire doomsday scenario sort of like Raiders of The Lost Ark. What happens next is … something I can’t tell you without giving the plot away.
Two wonderful books. Perfect for this summer’s staycation.